Linux on Dell CSx

Linux Page Specs Graphics Sound Docking Files

First. Thanks to all the postings at linux-dell-laptop. Most of the information I used came from this mailing list.
Also, the Linux on Laptop site. While there is not currently a page for the CSx, a lot of the other Dells are similarly configured.

Specs Dell Latitude CSx
PIII 500
6G 128M
NeoMagic 256ZX Graphics/Sound 4M Memory
Full Specs (Wayback)
Distribution RedHat 6.2 (kernel 2.2.14)
During install I had to use text mode. Install could not identify chipset and would set to 320x200. Most of the display was off the screen. To install using text mode, just enter text at the install prompt.
RH 6.2 comes with the sound module necessary. If you are installing an older verersion, you may have to build the module. You can find out about that here
NeoMagic 256ZX (Wayback)
XFree86 version 3.3.6
XFree86 Server SVGA Version 3.3.6-20
Note: XFree86 4.0 has a NeoMagic Driver. I have not tried this yet.
Here is my XF86Config file
Sound Added two lines to /etc/conf.modules
alias sound nm256
alias char-major-14 nm256
Added two lines to /etc/rc.d/rc.local
/sbin/depmod -a
/sbin/modprobe nm256.o
Docking Using the Dell C/Port-II Advanced Replicator (Wayback).

Network Card - The docking station contains a 3ComŽ 3C920 ethernet card. linuxconf did not provide a driver for this card in the list. Although the card worked with the 3c59x driver, it peformed poorly. 3Com's Linux Driver Download page does not list the 3c920 as being supported by the 3c90x driver, but the README does list the 3c920 as supported. The 3c90x module was included with redhat 6.2. I included the following line in my /etc/conf.modules file. this has fixed the network performance problems.

alias eth0 3c90x

If you cannot find the module in /usr/lib/< kernel version>/net, then you can find it at the Linux Driver Download page.

Docked/Undocked - I wrote a shell script to determine if the computer is docked at home. It can be used to determine more than one docking location, if you have one at work and home.
Added docking station check to /etc/rc.d/rc.local
    # Specialize XF86Config and other settings based on where the laptop
    # is located.
NOTE: It is very important to have the XF86Config.default file as specified in the setforlocation script. This should be the least common denominator to not cause damage. For example, I have linked mine to my XF86Config.laptop file since these settings will not damage the lcd display or external monitor.
Files XF86Config for laptop
XF86Config when docked - WARNING! Monitor settings are for my ViewSonic PS790. Change the monitor section to match your settings before using.
setforlocation - Script to customize setting based on location
whereami - Script to determine location. Modify to check for your MAC address(es). Use ifconfig to determine MAC.
customize.home - Invoked by setforlocation to perform various tasks. Created separately so that it can be invoked when not docked. Included here as an example.